Lent 2005 - Day Thirty-eight
Day Thirty-eight
Come; let us share this meal together. We’ve covered a lot of ground—literally and figuratively—these past three years and there are some things we need to talk about. The fate that awaits me is the same as for all mortals, but the circumstances are going to be quite different. You’ve seen that my relationship with Abba is extraordinarily close, and now the time has come for me to show the world that nothing, nothing is powerful enough to destroy it—even death. You need to witness this so that you can believe the same is true for you. I know you want to believe, but your lack of faith in your connection with the Other leaves you fearful of that which is ultimately so natural.
What is different about me from you is my comprehension of the Whole and my realization that I am part of it, not separate from it. You, on the other hand, see yourselves as distinct entities isolated from one another. I have done my best to explain to you that the Other and I are one, just as you and the Other are one. I am in you as you are in me because the Other is in us all and we are all a part of the Other. In our oneness we are equals, no one of us any more deserving of the relationship with Abba than the other. This is why I consider you my friends, not my servants or my slaves. It is why I have been able to treat everyone I meet as my brother or my sister, even the despised and lowly.
I want you to let me do something that is going to make you uncomfortable at first, but with time you will understand why it needed to be done. I am going to wash the dust from your feet to demonstrate that the relationship is about serving, not being served. Perhaps it seems that I am too special, too powerful, too above you to do such a thing, but to think that is to not understand the truth. We sit at the same table. We share from the same loaf and we drink from the same cup. We share the same end just as we share the same beginning. Now come with me to the garden to renew and strengthen our relationship with the Other through prayer. The reign of God is at hand!