It’s the last day of November. The First Sunday of Advent is but four days away. My estrangement from the Church has been so complete as to surprise even me. That which was so integral to the first half-century of my life is now void and null. I sometimes wonder if those who betrayed me ever sense remorse. I’m sure that the truth of the matter is that I am not even a part of their consciousness anymore.
I despise what the fundamentalists (code word “evangelicals”) have managed to do to the faith. Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, James Dobson, and so many, many more command throngs of faithful followers while the voices of reason and sanity grow ever quieter for lack of anyone to listen. Does a tree falling in the forest with no one to hear it make a sound?
Nonetheless, I shall watch and wait for the birth of the Christ once again. “Stronger than the dark, the light; stronger than the wrong, the right!” Perhaps it is darker now even than it was that first Christmas, only because there are so many more of us who are ignorant of the Truth that time and time again seeks to enlighten humankind. God grant that I may see the light and follow it.